Notes from Damian

Aro Ha | Layers of Meaning

The name of our special centre was carefully considered. After being moved by some writing on the deeper meaning of Aroha, we connected with the author, Ruth Makuini Tai.

An evening shot of two wooden buildings on a grassy hillside
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"Aro Hā, In the presence of divine breath" - Jermoy Van Riel

The name of our special centre was carefully considered.  After being moved by some writing on the deeper meaning of Aroha, we connected with the author, Ruth Makuini Tai.  Ruth is a Maori elder and founder of Aroha Education.  Her purpose is to ako (learn and teach) the Aroha Light Language.

“Maori language and practice holds the memory of a time when the force of Aroha was understood and respected by all. Aroha is the creative force behind all dreams. Aroha defines great leadership, ensures personal success, and inspires us to go the extra mile.”  Makuini Ruth Tai  

Aroha means Love.

Aroha is a compound word, the parts of Aroha include Aro, Ro, Hā, Oha.  These words give many layers of meaning offering a profound message of love and connection. ARO is thought, life principle, paying attention, to focus on, to face or front

  • RO is inner, within, introspection
  • HA is life force, breath, energy
  • OHA is generosity, prosperity, abundance, wealth

We keep the meaning of Aro Hā close to our hearts, and look forward to working with those who share the vision.