
Awakening Walk | 20 Minute Guided Meditation

To help you reconnect with nature, Damian has recorded a guided meditation for you to listen to while out on your next walk. You’ll need about 20 minutes for this Awakening Meditation.

Looking down from an angle of two women standing on a wooden bridge in the forest with their eyes closed
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Welcome to an Awakening Walk - A Guided Meditation

The classical Greek physician Hippocrates once said, ‘Walking is man's best medicine.’

A recent study has found that in the Western world on average we spend about 87% of our time in low movement environments – A great reason to invite you into two of my favourite practices, walking and nature.

What you will need:
  • A headset/headphones
  • Shoes / bare feet
  • Nature to walk in
  • 20 spare minutes
Get yourself ready and get outside, then go ahead and push play!

Why nature? Couldn’t we walk inside a mall or walk inside our house or walk on a treadmill? Well, sure you could. And I think walking, no matter how you do it, is better than not walking, but one UK study that was looking at the effects of nature on our wellbeing, found that visiting nature makes us feel more restored.

I think most of us probably have a firsthand experience or two of just how nice it is to get outside and to breathe. Especially when the day feels a bit stressful or there has been a bit of angst building.

To help you reconnect with nature, I’ve recorded a guided meditation for you to listen to while out on your next walk. You’ll need about 20 minutes for this Awakening Meditation.

Now, depending on where you are going to walk, you might want to choose some shoes, or you might like to go barefoot. The more in touch with nature you can get the better!

While this works best walking amongst trees, natural surroundings or in a park – you can also just find a little pathway outside, perhaps leading through the neighbourhood or your backyard. And if there are people around, remember people are also part of nature!

“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet”

- Thich Nhat Hanh